What is Go Texan?
Go Texan is a program that has been in place for over 20 years, dedicated to showcasing products or businesses made in Texas! You can support your favorite Texas made produts by looking for the Go Texas Logo.
May We Recommend...
Beef Shares
Buying Beef in bulk is not only an economical choice for you...
Chuck Roast
Ranch Happenings
It"s always busy around the ranch, thankfully, we have the best support! Between our big ole family, great neighbors, & hardworking cowboys, the ranch continues to thrive, growing our herd to provide you supreme beef for your family
Doug, the Pit Boss...What would we do without him??

Hey! All you turquoise lovers....
If you share a love for all things turquoise, or are looking to build your Turquoise collection, look no further! Check out Wandering Vaquera Turquoise to find the perfect compliment to your colleciton.

Stop By & Say Howdy!
Come by and grab your direct ranch to table beef!
You can also place an online order and we will have it ready for you to pick up!
We are open:
Monday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday - Friday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
You can find us at:
105 Braodmoor St
Borger TX 79007